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I love Spanish. I tried learning it a while ago but it's not very useful or easy to learn if nobody around you speaks it.

chickenmobile wrote:
josepezdj wrote:
I'm Spanish and I think msleeper has an awesome sense of humor!

You have posted incorrectly. Please consult the manual.

No s? lo que he dicho. Pero puedo averiguarlo.

You have quoted me incorrectly. Please refer to user's manual
I have no clue about what I just said but I can find out...

Nacimota wrote:
I love Spanish. I tried learning it a while ago but it's not very useful or easy to learn if nobody around you speaks it.

Yes, you're right. The same with all languages, if nobody around speaks it, it becomes harder to learn as you cannot practice. On the other hand, I think Spanish is more difficult than English, and I think the reason is that Spanish is more rich and complez... but anyway, I love English, I love its inherent metaphorical nature and simplicity. To me it's a language more funtional to be used to comunicate. Spanish is more rich and it's better to express deep thoughts or feelings (at least for me! hehe)

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Any language that normally uses adjectives after nouns is not worth my time.

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Crazy is as crazy does.
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"Capture the Cube 3"
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Nacimota wrote:
I love Spanish. I tried learning it a while ago but it's not very useful or easy to learn if nobody around you speaks it.

I love Spanish too!
But I haven't even tried to learn it... I agree, it's rather hard to keep it at a good level without practice.

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He was a zombie

shad0w440 wrote:
He was a zombie

He was absolutely deranged or off his face with drugs. Zombie = scary.

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