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The Off-Topic Thread

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Very cool. Too bad it doesn't reset itself.

It's June 1st :D


That link takes you to a video, discussing highly anticipated games of which there has been no official mention ('Radio Silence'). It doesn't say anything about HL3 coming out!

You can turn your flashlight on by using the console command 'impulse 100' (Cheats on though).

?????????????????????????????TWP Releases | My Workshop
chickenmobile wrote:
You can turn your flashlight on by using the console command 'impulse 100' (Cheats on though).

Impulse 101 for unlimited weapons yay

New tracks every Saturday!
"Anything that you do, just be THE best at it" - Kanye West


Another Bad Pun wrote:
A REALLY funny image


ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

I just cheesed myself with cool-whip, fun-dip, and macaroni and peas.

I just HAD to say that.

Are there going to be a mapping-competition this summer?

Never use Logic to solve a puzzle, he's an idiot...
Logic wrote:
Are there going to be a mapping-competition this summer?

Oh, you know...

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