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The Off-Topic Thread

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RubyCarbuncIe wrote:
Paradoxic R3mix wrote:
Jomonay wrote:
So the new Dave Matthews Band album comes out in September. I hear you American folk like that sort of thing.

Who's Dave Matthews?

This. I'm American and I've never heard of him. Is he any good?

Probably not. :lol: I'm also American and never heard of him. Although, to be fair, I never really cared for or paid attention to "singers."
And for the record Jomonay, Americans are more into bragging. :lol:

Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]

I edited my signature, it's true btw. Msleeper confirmed it in the irc chat.

Code: Select all<msleeper>: i'm a fat male who gets bored at sporting events



Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]


Today it's Sonics and Robotniks 21th birthday! ... &t=2763244


My God! Michael Jacksons' soul has being introduced into that GLaDOS replica! Amazing! :notworthy:

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Funny Sonic videos I found.
19th Anniversary

And the 21st Anniversary:

Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]
zivi7 wrote:

I see a pony on his desk.

?????????????????????????????TWP Releases | My Workshop

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