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My Saturday. I love summer.

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I'm sure some of you have heard of the batman theater shooting? Yeah... my cousin was there and got shot in the chin. I am thankful she's alright. She is one of the 59 injured. Isn't that something? Another part of my family was chased down by interviewers. It's been an interesting week.

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UsCobra11 wrote:
I'm sure some of you have heard of the batman theater shooting? Yeah... my cousin was there and got shot in the chin. I am thankful she's alright. She is one of the 59 injured. Isn't that something? Another part of my family was chased down by interviewers. It's been an interesting week.


?????????????????????????????TWP Releases | My Workshop
UsCobra11 wrote:
I'm sure some of you have heard of the batman theater shooting? Yeah... my cousin was there and got shot in the chin. I am thankful she's alright. She is one of the 59 injured. Isn't that something? Another part of my family was chased down by interviewers. It's been an interesting week.

I get depressed whenever I hear stuff like this happening. But it's nice to hear that your cousin will be alright. The interviewers, I'm guessing from CNN?

Crazy is as crazy does.
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Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
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"Capture the Cube 3"
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UsCobra11 wrote:
I'm sure some of you have heard of the batman theater shooting? Yeah... my cousin was there and got shot in the chin. I am thankful she's alright. She is one of the 59 injured. Isn't that something? Another part of my family was chased down by interviewers. It's been an interesting week.

I'm glad to hear she is alright. I can't even fathom what she went through during that.

Out of curiosity, as me and some friends were talking about this this weekend, did AMC give her tickets for another showing?

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Yenwood wrote:

So cute.

Big Mood
UsCobra11 wrote:
I'm sure some of you have heard of the batman theater shooting? Yeah... my cousin was there and got shot in the chin. I am thankful she's alright. She is one of the 59 injured. Isn't that something? Another part of my family was chased down by interviewers. It's been an interesting week.

Damn! Glad she's okay though.

UsCobra11 wrote:
I'm sure some of you have heard of the batman theater shooting? Yeah... my cousin was there and got shot in the chin. I am thankful she's alright. She is one of the 59 injured. Isn't that something? Another part of my family was chased down by interviewers. It's been an interesting week.

Why is it called the Batman Theater Shooting? Did it happen while people were watching a batman movie or did a guy in a batman suit shoot people? I heard of people trying to get the actor that plays batman (I don't remember his name) to come see the kids that got injured there and I think it would be a bit insensitive to put someone dressed as batman in the hospital in that situation.

Weeeeeee I love run on sentences.!

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