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The Off-Topic Thread

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portal2tenacious wrote:
That is one perspective. You could also say- he is a confident person who enjoys humor, but because of internet limitations, such as the ability not to hear sarcasm or tone, it isn't always understood as a joke and is misinterpreted as idiocy.

Well I guess he can't just say that what he said was sarcasm... OH WAIT HE CAN.

^See? Sarcasm.

portal2tenacious wrote:
BTW- I really hate the fact that I have this rank, but the new name is very clever...

1.) Msleeper is clever. Msleeper is awesome.
2.) Its a little better than the banned rank.

I've been trying to hold my tongue about this whole new rank/group thing, even trying to change the subject with a somewhat interesting video, but this conversation kept going. Here's the thing, the fact that you (msleeper) put the effort into making a new rank/group to label a few users that annoy you is childish. Yes, I annoy you, but I also get annoyed A LOT. I don't go labeling people in public, I just try to shrug it off or make a few bad jokes and continue with my life. I sometimes blow off steam depending on the circumstance but that's rare. You called it "one step above being banned..." but why even bother? All your really doing is publicly degrading users just because they annoy you, and that's pathetic. You'll probably say I'm wrong along with an insult.

Crazy is as crazy does.
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I have always felt that public humiliation is a better tool than simply getting rid of someone. It gives both an opportunity for and motivation towards correcting whatever the problem is. It's been a tool in my toolbox here since day one, ask DiddyKong42.

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MasterLagger wrote:
I've been trying to hold my tongue about this whole new rank/group thing, even trying to change the subject with a somewhat interesting video, but this conversation kept going. Here's the thing, the fact that you (msleeper) put the effort into making a new rank/group to label a few users that annoy you is childish. Yes, I annoy you, but I also get annoyed A LOT. I don't go labeling people in public, I just try to shrug it off or make a few bad jokes and continue with my life. I sometimes blow off steam depending on the circumstance but that's rare. You called it "one step above being banned..." but why even bother? All your really doing is publicly degrading users just because they annoy you, and that's pathetic. You'll probably say I'm wrong along with an insult.


Big Mood


ML and P2 are right...

portal2tenacious wrote:
I don't try to be stupid, I just make comments that may need too much thinking to understand and I over complicate stuff.

That. :thumbup:

Re: The Off-Topic Thread

Post by npc_msleeper_boss ? Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:47 pm
Alexander Bell wrote:
I don't think before I post on here (or other forums, for that matter), irl I'm smart (smarter than average), and I'm still smart on here, I just don't think on the internet because it doesn't impact my real life at all (unless I break a law, though there is no law against horrible jokes)

So, I think this tells us a few things here.

Your complete unwillingness to put any sort of energy, effort, or intelligence into online interactions means that you (very, very wrongly) have the impression that the internet isn't "real". More than that, it very clearly shows that you have zero respect for this site or our community here.


Alexander Bell wrote:
irl I'm smart (smarter than average)

I'm gonna go with this theory instead.

I DO put effort and intelligence into online interactions, sure I'll post something retarded now and then (like my post on the 2 much Hammer thread :notwant: ), but I try because I LIKE the community. Trust me, if I didn't like or respect this community, you and everyone else would be a hell of a lot more pissed off right now.

Trust me, I'm smarter than average. Not very book smart (only about a starting college level of book smarts, which I guess is good since I'm in high school), I'm not very social smart (I've had about 4 friends my entire life, though that's because I've been moving about a lot, been home schooled, and live in the woods), but I'm very life smart.

I've been trying to hold my tongue about this whole new rank/group thing, even trying to change the subject with a somewhat interesting video, but this conversation kept going. Here's the thing, the fact that you (msleeper) put the effort into making a new rank/group to label a few users that annoy you is childish. Yes, I annoy you, but I also get annoyed A LOT. I don't go labeling people in public, I just try to shrug it off or make a few bad jokes and continue with my life. I sometimes blow off steam depending on the circumstance but that's rare. You called it "one step above being banned..." but why even bother? All your really doing is publicly degrading users just because they annoy you, and that's pathetic. You'll probably say I'm wrong along with an insult.

msleeper did claim that the title is "to warn the community not to take your advice" (something like that). Just because we make a few bad jokes does NOT mean we are incapable of giving advice or being a nice part of the community, to make that assumption is


as ML said.

Oh, cool "a new post has been added" feature..

Msleeper, I do agree that humiliation is a better tool than banning, but why do we need to be "humiliated" in the first place? What have we done wrong?

We haven't been tickling every funnybone and making sense to the scholars in the community.

Msleeper, you would save a lot of time taking off the ranks rather than thinking of an other reason we're in this group every time we post something. Might as well.

Big Mood
portal2tenacious wrote:
Msleeper, you would save a lot of time taking off the ranks rather than thinking of an other reason we're in this group every time we post something. Might as well.

No, I can save time by doing this.

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Oh god, I think she is going to ban us! look out! shut down the banotoxin production plant!

If you want my opinion (which no one wants) then here it is:

Msleeper should ban you 3 in the "special" group, or
You shut up about it.

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