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The Off-Topic Thread

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Alexander Bell wrote:
Same here pretty much, other than being good at Hammer.

I don't think before I post on here (or other forums, for that matter), irl I'm smart (smarter than average), and I'm still smart on here, I just don't think on the internet because it doesn't impact my real life at all (unless I break a law, though there is no law against horrible jokes), so I come across as dumb... That doesn't mean I'm incapable of giving advice, and it doesn't mean I should be "one step above banned" or banned. I try to help, I try to be nice, and I try to be funny. It's not like I post "lolzudumbass parent the trigger_kill to !Player and dat willz make teh coob drop"

:shrug: Sorry if I'm coming across as dumb...

So, the internet gives you the right to behave like an idiot? Sure, it does, but then, don't complain about things like this.


Yenwood wrote:
Msleeper should ban you 3 in the "special" group, or
You shut up about it.


You realize that Weather Bug is spyware, right?

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npc_msleeper_boss wrote:
You realize that Weather Bug is spyware, right?

I'm fully aware that weatherbug is spyware that has been around for over 10 years and that has infected 100s of thousands of people, yes.

Alexander Bell wrote:
npc_msleeper_boss wrote:
You realize that Weather Bug is spyware, right?

I'm fully aware that weatherbug is spyware that has been around for over 10 years and that has infected 100s of thousands of people, yes.



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Your creation?

Big Mood

Mine XD

ImageImage ... 12/1410811

THESE ARE AWESOME. I just realized I could post them here. There are more, btw. Much more.

"A train going from San Fransisco to California de railed in Nebraska" :retarded:

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