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The ThinkingWithPortals Map Showcasing Thread

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CosmicD and Pitk?korva, both maps looking amazing, keep up the good work!

shawy89 wrote:
CosmicD and Pitk?korva, both maps looking amazing, keep up the good work!

Yep, they are looking good... :)

My Portal2 Map: Trapped

My Travel Blog:

Here's a couple of pictures of the 2nd chamber of my 2nd map, called Dedication. This chamber still needs to be playtested.



Now to begin work on the 3rd and final chamber...

I just find something weird-looking about those black tiles. Is there some lighting issue causing them to come up as so highly contrasting, or are you using a different texture to what was typically used in the game maps?

I don't know 100% sure but that sometimes happen when you use "vertex" versions of the materials that are usually used for models.

Why isn't there a lot of custom map outside?


The flying tiles are a glitch. There should be a panel there.
Also, it's pretty empty. It's just the beggining of the project.

More information Here

"Pretty is better than ugly, but if it doesn't work, ugly is better than pretty"
CosmicD wrote:
I don't know 100% sure but that sometimes happen when you use "vertex" versions of the materials that are usually used for models.

Vertex textures are quite useless. They are used for changed lighting. Dark room, then turn lights on. Normal textures stays black, but vertext textures receives the lighting. Correct me if I'm wrong.

The Corrupted - 1st place winner of the mapping contest 2012 !!

Here's a picture of a map I'm making called "Treat." The picture I posted earlier is my other map called "Trick." I bet you can tell what they're for. :lol:

Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]

Is it wrong if i upload my WIP portal 1 map project screenshot on to this thread? :

I don't think so. Some people still post Portal 1 maps here.

Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]
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