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The ThinkingWithPortals Map Showcasing Thread

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Holy shit Idolon!! I LOVE it, man! :thumbup: I love your vision and how creative you can become with your work, seriously!

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Trying something out with Portal 1 themed BTS




nothing much yet, just some edited toxic water/moss.

trying some stuff out

Ooooo portal 1 bts. Even though I prefer portal 2, it's always had some strange feel that I can't put my finger on that you're pretty close to.

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and have everyone wonder how you did it.
Musical website Moddb
Arachnaphob wrote:
Ooooo portal 1 bts. Even though I prefer portal 2, it's always had some strange feel that I can't put my finger on that you're pretty close to.

Was it the feeling that you can see traces of human life that somehow vanished without a trace? Because I know portal2 doesn't capture that feeling for me.

My YouTube Channel:
Aperture Science: We do our science asbestos we can!

Possibly. It may also be a very creepy vibe that the whole thing gives off too, which I guess falls under what you're saying.

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and have everyone wonder how you did it.
Musical website Moddb

Moar pics

Aperture Building front at night: (some of the top parts of it are not visible from this area)

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On the very top of the aperture building much much later in gameplay:

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My YouTube Channel:
Aperture Science: We do our science asbestos we can!

@Camben: I'm really liking this style, man! Keep on the good job! :thumbup: Really nice industrial look, and I love the foggy and cloudy atmosphere in the second bunch of pictures!

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@CamBen: Really looking amazing. I like that style much more than your last iteration. That ground really needs some displacements, but I suspect that that will happen later.

@CamBen: You shoud make those brush based pipe 90 degree turns more smooth. Now it looks like you've just clipped them in 45 degree angle. You can do this with torus brush tool.

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