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Thumbnail Issues

My first map is done, but I can not figure out why I can not get the thumbnail to work.

This is what it looks like ATM.

Does it mean it can't find the file (I'm sure I pointed to the image correctly) or the image is somehow incorrect in it's formatting?

It would be best if you go back and double check.

Like really..........don't just say you did. ;D

I hate hanging with angry people. Why live life if your not having fun ALL the time? =)
O o

According to the way I think it works, I have it right, but I'm probably wrong.

In the BNS file I have...

"Arch Map 01"
"map" "./archmap_01"
"lock" "0"
"image" "archmap_01"

And the image in question is...


You need to add a "Valve Material Type" file. This is a text file with a name ending in ".vmt".
(In your case: "...portalportalmaterialsvguiarchmap_01.vmt".)

Put the following text in it:

Code: Select all
   "$baseTexture" "vgui/archmap_01"
   "$vertexalpha" 1

(Look at the VMT page on the Valve developer wiki for more info.)

Sendificate series: Sendificate | A Beam Too Far | Airtime | 302
Other Portal 2 maps: Medusa Glare
Portal 1 maps: Try Anything Twice | Manic Mechanic

Thanks HMW! It works now! 🙂

you could also specify the image in the bns (like "./mapicon.tga" for example) as long as it is included in the same folder. Quick note on that, the image needs to be 256 x 64 but the only part that is displayed is a 180 x 100 area.

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