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tommorows release?

does anyone know if there are going to be any maps released tomorrow? im just wondering if there will be more portal content to enjoy, so far its all been great.

My WIP should be done tomorrow, or later on tonight. =/


cool, ill look forward to it

New releases and WIPs are released on an irregular basis. Some days are awesome, having several releases. Then there are those dry spells that have nothing new. I die a little inside every time it happens.

Yeah i know what you mean, but still, I think we'll have some good stuff for this remaining Year.

Hopefully I can complete mine by <Holiday Name Here>.

Currently working on Darksiders 3.

Decemeber the 9th should be interesting. Competition finishes then :P

If i can get my map finished in time...

?But there?s no sense crying over every mistake.
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake!?

Holidays, finals and lots of work leads to long map development :(

Yeah, it sure does.

Currently working on Darksiders 3.