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Trouble with Faith Plates

Every time I try to compile my map, it says that the trigger_catapult is leaked, and if I remove it, the map complies fine, but it is clearly within closed walls, anyone know why?

Portal 1.5

Hmm, I have never had this issue. Do you have the map encased in 6 brushes? To ensure no leaks. Also, you could try just creating a new trigger from scratch in case something is messed up with the original one.

Have you loaded the pointfile? (Map>Load Pointfile) That should draw a line from the trigger_catapult to the 'hole' where the leak is.

Have a nice day,

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I loaded the pointfile, the line was just going from one point in space to another, both ends of the line were outside of my map.

Portal 1.5

Then you probably moved the trigger_catapult while ignore grouping ("ig" button) was on.. So it moved the solid with the trigger texture, but left the actual trigger entity outside your map. Turn off "ig" and select the trigger again.. Then go look at the pointfile line. There should be a blue sphere at one end. Turn on "ig", select and move just the solid painted with "trigger", move it to where the blue sphere was, then turn off "ig" (so it selects the solid and the dot) and move them both back to where you want the trigger to be.

Have a nice day,

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Ohhhhhhhh, thanks a ton, I haven't mapped in a while, so I've been having a lot of problems lately.

Portal 1.5
hitmanjaret wrote:
Do you have the map encased in 6 brushes? To ensure no leaks.
msleeper wrote:
Uh, you shouldn't put a giant hollow box around your map. That is bad for about a thousand reasons.



"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

To expand on what Sidneys1 said in a more technical way, the problem is the trigger brush' origin was out in the void. That's what the little white circle is. A lot of brush entities have them, some point entities have them. It really depends on exactly what entity it is to decide 1.) if it has one and 2.) what it does.

And yes, hitmanjaret, you should not put a giant hollow box around your map.

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