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Turret ammo problem

Is it possible to have a turret to run out of/regain ammo? I have tried using the DepleteAmmo and RestoreAmmo Inputs that came with the npc_portal_floor_turret Class but they don't seem to function. My test setup is with two triggers in a hallway, one that depletes and one that restores, but every time i try to hit the deplete mark (which i can get to) the turret uses its bullets that it shouldn't have to kill me. I also noticed that if I set the turret to have no ammo to start off with, I can't restore that ammo.

Could someone please shed some light on this problem I am having?

PS: I have done my research and found nothing on this.

"Tuna? Tuna is worth no Earth moneys!"

This might be a bug worth reporting to Valve, I haven't heard of anyone trying to use those Inputs, or at least posting about it.

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Ok. Thanks msleeper. Do you know where I can find out how to report a bug to Valve?

"Tuna? Tuna is worth no Earth moneys!"

So, I've taken a close look at the npc_portal_turret_floor page on the Valve Wiki and found that the turret having ammo or not depends on a flag and not a variable(right?). I didn't realize that would make a difference until I couldn't find a way you could change that flag without replacing the entity.

So because ammo being available or not is a flag, it is either one way or another...

Unless there's a way to edit an entity's flag number with an input somehow?

"Tuna? Tuna is worth no Earth moneys!"