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So you see I no longer have your beloved door. Weird thing though: When I came back to my computer, this website was open:


:O But what does it *mean*? Is this a sign?

zivi7 wrote:
So you see I no longer have your beloved door. Weird thing though: When I came back to my computer, this website was open:


This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

"Oh, in case you got covered in that repulsion gel, here's some advice the lab boys gave me: DO NOT get covered in the repulsion gel."

hmm... I must say that robot to the left looks pretty much like that shaky camera footage from sicklebrick!

zivi7 wrote:
So you see I no longer have your beloved door. Weird thing though: When I came back to my computer, this website was open:


That Dalek might be a perfect match for GLaDOS :lol:

Hmmm... some of my sources actually reveal a date in which that guy is caught in fraganti with another scrap-heap... They seem to be having fun in a cinema... Check:


ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:
josepezdj wrote:
Hmmm... some of my sources actually reveal a date in which that guy is caught in fraganti with another scrap-heap... They seem to be having fun in a cinema... Check:


Ah... I think I found how it ended!
Looks like they enjoyed the movie!

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Now where the hell is my door! :angrysquare: Can someone grab a hold on that guy?!

josepezdj wrote:
Hmmm... some of my sources actually reveal a date in which that guy is caught in fraganti with another scrap-heap... They seem to be having fun in a cinema... Check:


I'm sure I'd enjoy an upside down video of glados too!

My YouTube Channel:
Aperture Science: We do our science asbestos we can!

this is one dumb creepypasta/arg/whatever the heck it is. i don't have a clue what the heck this comedy is about lol! :lol:

Im blue, a Clean Christian Furry with Autism.
zivi7 wrote:
So you see I no longer have your beloved door. Weird thing though: When I came back to my computer, this website was open:


Why would a Dalek want to date another robot?

This thread is really weird.

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