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TWP Decal?

Anyone know where to find a decal? I just want to thank everyone here for the help.

*tips fedora as everything behind him explodes in memes*

Here are some decals and other advertisments for twp

There you go.

Just place both files into a folder called "decals" under your /materials folder.

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:
TheTobbell wrote:
Here are some decals and other advertisments for twp

So I downloaded the decals, and when I tried to use them in game, the texture comes up as the error texture. ???

*tips fedora as everything behind him explodes in memes*

Surely because you didn't keep the same folders structure.

Just place the folders relative to material exactly as inside the zipper file. That's to say, make sure you have a folder called TWPAdvertising right under your /materials folder.

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:
josepezdj wrote:
Surely because you didn't keep the same folders structure.

Just place the folders relative to material exactly as inside the zipper file. That's to say, make sure you have a folder called TWPAdvertising right under your /materials folder.

Thanks, it's all sorted now.

*tips fedora as everything behind him explodes in memes*