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Untitled mappack

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I've read somewhere that you can't parent a point_viewproxy.

I tried and Portal 2 crashed.

oh my god please HELP ME


Just realised why, you want to parent the proxy entity instead.

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]

Thanks for the help, again but still an issue remains.

The viewproxy dosen't seem to work in coop.

If I have to I might try a normal viewcontrol.

oh my god please HELP ME


It works with a point_viewcontrol_multiplayer.

I just need to add a env_screenoverlay (but from what I've heard , it will apply to all players.

I thinking about turning this into a mod to be able to use vscripts.

From there, I will publish the instance for other people to use.

oh my god please HELP ME


Last I heard, screen overlays are broken entities in portal 2.also mods don't support coop.

My YouTube Channel:
Aperture Science: We do our science asbestos we can!

You can also just pack vscripts into a map like materials/models, they work fine.

My stuff:
[spoiler]- BEE2 Addons | (BEE2)
- Hammer Addons
- Crushed Gel
- Gel is Not Always Helpful[/spoiler]
opticalprocessor wrote:
It works with a point_viewcontrol_multiplayer.

I just need to add a env_screenoverlay (but from what I've heard , it will apply to all players.

I thinking about turning this into a mod to be able to use vscripts.

From there, I will publish the instance for other people to use.

You don't need to use the mod structure to use vscripting, just use pakrat to pack the script files inside the BSP and you're done. Also, as Camben said mods don't support coop.

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Anything which can create a screen overlay has been disabled (look in the console when you try to use one). The only solution I've found is to make a texture with the right parameters and display it on a stretched semitransparent brush in front of the camera (as in the controllable rocket turret and core interface).

Falsi sumus crusto!
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