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Valve Confirms More Portal

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In what will surely come as a surprise to absolutely no-one, Valve has confirmed that it has definite plans for more Portal.

Valve spokesman Doug Lombardi said the company would be pursuing the Portal phenomenon, and that it planned to add significantly more to the game that simply "a bunch of new puzzles." Speaking to Eurogamer, Lombardi said, "There'll be more Portal, for sure. But the details of that, to be honest, we're still working out."

"The only smart thing we did for Portal was to hire those seven kids and give them the support they needed to make the game," he added.

Typically for Valve, Lombardi wouldn't comment on any sort of potential release date of either Portal or the next chapter in the Half-Life 2 story. "With Episode Three we want to live up to the promise of where we are taking things to; there's a lot of working being done to make sure we deliver on that promise," he said.

Portal, a short puzzle game that was released in 2007 as part of Valve's Orange Box, became an instant sensation for its unique gameplay, closing credits song and the Weighted Companion Cubes. Despite its brevity, the game has garnered a Metacritic score of 90, and is the first and apparently only game to ever receive no criticism whatsoever in Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw's Zero Punctuation.

Source: The Escapist Magazine

More like News'd, am i rite.

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Sweet, cant wait :D

Walking when you have a portal gun sucks.

Check out my Portal 2 map, Entrapment!

Wonder what they mean with:

the Escapist wrote:
...and that it planned to add significantly more to the game that simply "a bunch of new puzzles."...

Maybe some more explanation about how exactly the storylines of Half-Life and Portal tie in?


"Duct Tape is the answer."

Maybe they just mean a whole new lot of elements for puzzles...

I personnally would be bothered if portal got too close from the HL universe, it may ruin the whole "lab rat" feeling from test chambers and omnipresent computer voice.

Thanks to Portal, someone's birthday is now the most feared day in the year...

well surely there is far more to the portal story. far more.

really one major thing that drives portal is the story. one might look back to neb to see the types of ideas the SEVEN had.


who are the SEVEN? have they been lurking on twp? shouldn't they be??? we must find these seven and make them our friends.... <.<


The cake is a PI


Add me on STEAM: iamafractal
I'm up for coop games & beta testing your maps...


Those seven kids they talk about are probably the people that developed Narbacular Drop, the amateur-made game that was the prototype for Portal.

On the wikipedia article about Portal, they say the team of students behind this game where hired by Valve to help to develop Portal. The article don't say if they were seven, though...

But I definitely think those "seven kids" are them.

Thanks to Portal, someone's birthday is now the most feared day in the year...
Hyakkidouran wrote:
Those seven kids they talk about are probably the people that developed Narbacular Drop,

ya i figured that too. i had downloaded that a couple months ago, but when it crashed i just gave up. I couldn't get it to run.

i believe there was some inerview with one of them i read or saw somewhere talking about how portal represented the honing down and cleaning up of narbacular.... that probably comes from the clear thinking of a profitable development company like valve...


The cake is a PI


Add me on STEAM: iamafractal
I'm up for coop games & beta testing your maps...

msleeper wrote:
More like News'd, am i rite.

lol, I almost thought you deleted my thread, I couldnt find it

Pretty inevitable, they even hinted about it in the dev comentaries, good to get confirmation though :D

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