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Weird glass bugs

When I compile my maps on my PC, it runs perfectly fine. Once I upload the exact same map file to the workshop, it bugs out the glass. Here are examples:


I'm not sure if everyone else who gets it from workshop has the same thing, but it is quite annoying. I heard it has something to do with cubemaps, but not sure. Any ideas?

Did you rename the map at any point? (This causes exactly what your screenshots show.) For building cubemaps, ensure your map is saved in dlc2 (prevents a Portal 2 crash bug) - check the last tab in hammer options. Then you can run "mat_specular 0" in the console to turn off reflectivity, "buildcubemaps" to actually generate them, then "mat_specular 1" to reenable reflections if the map reload didn't reset that for you.

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TeamSpen210 wrote:
Did you rename the map at any point? (This causes exactly what your screenshots show.) For building cubemaps, ensure your map is saved in dlc2 (prevents a Portal 2 crash bug) - check the last tab in hammer options. Then you can run "mat_specular 0" in the console to turn off reflectivity, "buildcubemaps" to actually generate them, then "mat_specular 1" to reenable reflections if the map reload didn't reset that for you.

Yes, yes I did rename it. Will try the cubemaps thing you described. Much obliged!

If you rename your map after building cubemaps, strange things happen. So just remember to recompile every time you rename it.

Falsi sumus crusto!

This constantly happens to me as well. I build cubemaps and it looks great, and then I upload it and everyone complains about missing cubemaps.

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