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What are your favorite puzzle elements while playing?

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Hard Light Bridges combine best with other elements.
They go mad with the High Energy Pellets and edgeless savety cubes.
gotta make a map where you paint an edgeless savety cube in blue gel and have it hit an energy pellet while bounching.
The energy pellet actually adds some force on the sphere and reflects on collision.

The element I had the most fun with was definitely blue gel, in the early "underground" chambers where you basically have a giant patch of it I was giggling like a little schoolgirl.

That being said, it's perhaps not the most brain teasing aspect of the toolset. I'm quite a fan of cubes, because they have hilariously goofy physics (cube + blue gel literally will not stop bouncing, and will "walljump" really effectively in tight spaces) and they are so versatile.

Also I love all the crushers / smashers etc, because it impresses me to no end how well the animation / dynamics are done, and I find it much less annoying to get splattered by a double crusher than drowning.

The funnel, because the transitioning between two funnels is cool, with the gel transporting also being very cool. Just putting anything in the funnel is fun.

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The gels hands down.

IMO of all the new features, they work best with the original portal mechanic. And even though there are only two effects (technically 3, but the last one applies to the portal only and not the player), I think the propulsion and repulsion are infinitely cool, and they work well with almost any kind of puzzle.

I like the bridges in coop, not so much in single player. My brother and I had a hilarious game in one of the chambers where we'd always drop each other off the bridge into the (explosive!) slime just before they reached land.
In singleplayer they're not quite as fun, but I like how they block the turrets' view.
Still, they'd be a necessary feature if portal were ever to be made into a deathmatch (which would be awesome IMO).

In singleplayer I like the excursion funnels better than the bridges. I thought it was so awesome to have the button on the ceiling and pull the cube to it with a tractor beam.

When I die I want to be dissected by some mad genius and used in one of his evil schemes. It's great to be part of something bigger than yourself.

It's not listed by the

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are hands down my favorite.

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After playing portal: prelude i started loving crushing things.
You get into a room and you see the roof coming down.
Also you havae no idea where to go and how to get there.
It sure made me go like oooh shiitt what do i do i need to be fast!

And in Portal 2 the crushing things look even more sexy :oops:

msleeper wrote:
It's not listed by the
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are hands down my favorite.


As far as testing elements...I have to say the laser. Just to burn stuff. Like turrets. I'd like to set up a mirror sort of thing. Yes, like a mix between BP and P2.

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