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Wild Cards and Output directories

What Is a Wild Card and Output Directory?

You know when your trying to find an output for the correct entity such as you only want 1 specific entity to trigger something or 2 different entities to activate a trigger_once or any triggering entities; and you just can not find this trigger, well what you may need to input would be either a wildcard or a console director.

Wild Cards are symbols that tell a trigger what is able to pass threw if the Wild cards symbol is equal to the name of the activator.
Say you want a filter_activator_name to effect 2 different entities, but entity 1 has it's name as prop_stick, and entity 2's name is prop_metal,which means you might need to use 2 of that entity, you will need to use a Wild card in it's name so the Filter_Name of the entity would be prop*

I'm not sure of the name but all triggers don't have something that you may need for a trigger.
Say you want a trigger that will effect the player, but since you are unable to name the player's entity, you will have to use !player to tell the trigger that it will be effecting the player.

Wild Cards

[ * ]
An asterisk can be used as a Wild card by telling the trigger that the name selected could be whats selected and more.
If the name was Bob_Thommas_Sank_The_Boat.
Then the Wild Card could be placed to the right of Bob and without the rest of the name to indicate that the rest of the name could be Bob_laugh or Boblaugh, although anything that has text behind Bob will not activate.

[ * * ]
Placing an Asterisk behind and in front will tell the trigger to tell every entity in the map that has the word selected in any part of it's name to do the selected trigger.
Say you want a filter_activator_name to only effect all entities with the name button in it, then you would place an asterisk on both sides of the name to indicate that the trigger will only be activated by entities with button in it's name.

[ ? ]
A questions mark in a name means that the entire trigger has to have the same name but the question mark acts as a random character.
Say you have about 30 npc_zombie entities with the names of npc_zombie_01 , npc_zombie_02... etc. But they are all scripted so they all have different names except the npc_zombie prefix.

You would use a filter_activator_name with the Filter_Name as npc_zombie_?? to indicate that any entity with the name npc_zombie_ will pass the filter.

Output Directories

[ !player ]
Directs the trigger to the player

[ !self ]
Tells the trigger to target itself

[ !activator ]
Targets the entity that triggered the trigger.

More to come, i gotta rush off for a bit.
Post or add more to the post if anyone knows more Wild Cards/Outputs, i wasn't sure what the !self triggers were meant to be called but oh well.


Why did you use spoiler tags? :?

Sanity is not statistical.

I don't know actually... i could have bolded them instead actually... i'll do that soon.

Mapster wrote:
Wild Cards

[ * * ]
Placing an Asterisk behind and in front will tell the trigger to tell every entity in the map that has the word selected in any part of it's name to do the selected trigger.
Say you want a filter_activator_name to only effect all entities with the name button in it, then you would place an asterisk on both sides of the name to indicate that the trigger will only be activated by entities with button in it's name.


There are several extended features to name searches that are useful in a variety of situations. The most common use is to target an entity with an unknown name that is somehow involved in the current I/O chain. The extended features are:

* Wildcards

Name searching supports trailing * wildcards only. So searching for area1* will match any targetnames that start with area1 (i.e. area1_portal and area1_door, but not area2_door).

This was pulled by looking for filter_activator_name and clicking on targetname.

So, no, starting * will not work unfortunately, but this is according to Valve's information, so feel free to test to verify, I'm not running Hammer atm ^^

Jsut tested and adding an Asterisk at the beginning does work.


Unbelievable!!! lol Thanks for the find Mapster.