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Wind Problem

Hi, I have a problem with the wind ingame, for me the env_wind effects aren't working, everything that should be affected by it just stays in place and isn't moving, do you have any idea how do I fix it? Thanks.

Well, it could be a problem with the values you set for each of its properties.

Take a look to the settings I used in Laila Tov as example:

It's really soft since I wanted the plants to move just slightly. Increase those values in the case you want a more powerful wind.

I don't know what exactly you want to be moving, but a good idea to check out if the problem is the env_wind entity or whatever other one is to place some foliage in your map and take a close look to see if the plants are actually moving.

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

Iirc vegetation doesn't sway back and forth unless the effects setting is set to high. I know that's the case for some particles as well.

Big Mood

Ah nevermind, sorry solved. You can lock, thanks anyways.