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[WIP] Glass Prison

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Thats looking amazing!

And for your first map, great work!

I'm very eager to play this one :D


Looks awesome. I have to ask, how big is the file to that? It looks like a monster. I can't wait to play it.

right now we're sittin at 4mb

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Put some water in if you havn't, that normally tells you if you have a leak, then if you fix that your map will be smaller heh.


there's no leak, its bigger than the pics show and theres lots of detailing.

the file size has gradually increased to 4mb, it started at like... 100k or something I forget, it gets bigger as I add stuff...

but I have a new problem, I was tweaking a new jump, and when I recompiled it, HL crashes when I try to load it, I've tried recompiling, restarting... same thing. I can load other maps just not mine...

anyone have any thoughts on that one?

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Post or read your compile log


removed compile log to save space

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I'll remove that once I figure this out, it would be a shame if all the mapping ive done for the last week is for nothing :(

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well I was able to get around the error... I cut and pasted all the models and entities into a new hammer file... works now, although I really would like to know what happened, if anyone knows.

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Don't tripple post, next time edit T_T

Make sure that you have all of your models in your mod directory, as well as all of the materials.

4 minutes is NOT a good compile rate.

Myne is 3mb and is 33 seconds so i have no idea what you've done.

More than likely you would have hundreds on leaks.

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