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[WIP] Glass Prison

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how can you stop quick saving?? on puzzles like these, people are going to use it, unless you let them 'save' their progress some other way.

no what I mean is keep the player constantly flinging, sliding, falling, or at least running against really short button timers, to make quicksaving less frequent.

kind of like quicksaving in the middle of a fling, it would be hard.

its just an idea, I think many people think the map is too hard.... yet others think I should make parts harder... lol

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man a nonstop map? who would have the stamina to make it through that? fun idea though, i wonder how long you could make one. i've definatly saved mid fling a few times, haha, kinda cheap, i know.

It's not a matter of difficulty as much as it is repetition. The longer an uninterrupted sequence, the higher chance of messing something up. By the time you've progressed pretty deep into it, you've either gotten tired of the first sections, or you've perfected them to the point where you feel that repeating them over and over (as you attempt to figure out later portions) is a time-sink. When players aren't rewarded for progress, it provides less incentive to keep doing parts that have already been "beaten".

This isn't to say that a stamina challenge is a bad idea, but it would need to be designed with some sort of "mistake recovery", maybe allowing a player who knows he missed his mark to make some sort of mid-sequence save with a more easily placed portal as he falls. It wouldn't lead to progress, but unless he messed up several things at once he wouldn't be sent back to square one.

I want to see a fling setup by the computer :)
ie, you start the fling, once you come out of there, a simple trigger
would click which would start an auto-fire sequence kind of like clicking
a button type timer. I have a strange feeling (despite no mapping experience)
that this is completely possible.
I'm just throwing this out there b/c I don't have time to map out
a lot of stuff between work & family.

I was actually just throwing out ideas, I'm going to keep the hallway before stage 3 entact, and even add an autosave there, but stage 4, when I get around to making it, will be more of a stamina thing :P

stage 4 will probably be much larger than the map currently is, not take longer but you will be able to see more areas of the "glass prison" which is just a descriptive term btw, I will only add story if I progress the map more and add additional levels

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yeah so obviously I didn't work on this any more since my last update, and didn't enter the contest :P

for my first map, I think this was too big to do in the time alotted. Oh well, I'll finish it eventually :!:

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I want that weighted storage cube!!! :P

Very nice map, though a bit confusing at first. The energy ball thingy is annoying to die on because it's so random. (I'm too busy doing my portal aiming to also look out for an energy ball.)

what I do about halfway down the corridor is just go backwards a step, watching the ball rather than shooting a new portal

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someone shoot me in the foot and tell me to get my ass back to work on my map :x

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