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[WIP] Infomercial map

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Well, after going through hell to set up the opening sequence (it doesn't seem like much, but this is my first map ever in Hammer, and it was a pain to do something like this), I'm done with the basics of this map. At the moment, I'm looking for some feedback on how the gameplay of the map is.


- I'm aware there's no lighting. This will be added quite shortly.
- I'm aware the beginning and ending serve no purpose. They will when I implement voices.
- I'm aware that the texturing is tacky. Like I said, this is a basic draft. It will be re-textured.
- Feel free to comment on how the gameplay could be improved, but keep it to the gameplay &/or large issues, please.
- Also, I'm planning on replacing BOTH doors in the map. Don't worry about that.


Thanks in advance.


The platform

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near the end has a nodraw texture

there are way too many places where it becomes possible to

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and have to suicide

remember - forcing the player to kill themselves is a golden nono. killing the player by them failing to make a jump or something is ok, but a player should never be put in a situation where the only way they can continue is to suicide or load an older save. In otherwords you need a get out clause or something to give you more

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i suggest the first because the latter removes the
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over all the map is kind of easy with the exception of the first challenge wher you are

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in the room with the button

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the final bit is frustrating because

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but none the less, a good start

I already hove some ideas on how to improve it, like

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, or
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Also, there will be alot of voice clips to give obvious instructions

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, and
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Thank you for the feedback though, you revealed a few things I didn't think of.

Duffedwaffe wrote:
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oh I didnt do that, I

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as well as

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and if you don't need it by that point make it clear and/or

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I guess I just assumed since it's a WCC it would make sense to carry it with you.

Edit: Also,

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Just finished the map. Not at all what I was expecting. You didn't try to sell me didly squat. Where's the hair in a can? Where's the super blender? Or the knives that just won't dull!? WHERE!?

The map seemed unnessesarily large. Lots of open space where the player can mess around in. At times I was looking around for a place to go.

The companion cube, I took it everywhere I went. And I'm glad I did, as if I did not, i'm pretty sure I would not have been able to get it back.

You mentioned a

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. I'm pretty sure I did that wrong.
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One thing I found slightly frustrating:

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There was also a

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Other than those gameplay aspects, the rest of the things that I noticed were pretty much aesthetic;
Impossibly thin floors, Platforms that seemingly just float on the map, constant use of the same texture.
And you've already stated that you're working on some of the textures/lighting etc.

Overall, I'd say that you did an amazing job for your first map.

Edited to fix spoiler tag mistakes.

Dude! Waffle!


"Games are made out of smaller games ? turtles all the way down, until you hit the game that is so trivial and stupid it isn?t deserving of the name." --Raph Koster

I made some major changes around the map, and it'll be done bieng re-worked by about... 7:00 EST tonight.

Also; When the lighting is done, I plan to have the companion cube on a pedestal with very epic lighting around it, then when you take it away form the pedestal the lights are killed and the room becomes fully lit. Would this be a good idea?

Duffedwaffe wrote:
Also; When the lighting is done, I plan to have the companion cube on a pedestal with very epic lighting around it, then when you take it away form the pedestal the lights are killed and the room becomes fully lit. Would this be a good idea?

if you do it well, and don't have any areas of pitch black before or after, then it could be really awesome. the trouble is getting cubemaps for before and after, I don't know if you can have two cubemaps for one env_cubemap and then swap them.

remeber, don't use dynamic lights, just turn normal lights on and off

New-ish version posted. Same idea as before, textures and lighting are crap. Looking for gameplay feedback.

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