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[WIP] ptl_Ascension

My first experiment at Portal mapping, should provide a reasonable challenge i hope :). There is also a kind of Easter Egg toward the end.

Any and all feedback welcome.



Amusing, but kind of plain. Also, check your button sounds, I think there are some missing, and also the light on the inside.

You might add a console command to exit the map at the end.

The light sources at the top of the room might look better by using a combination of the /light/white texture and a light entity.

Good for a first try.

What Easter Egg were you talking about,

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does anyone have a video for how to beat this?

I've seen 'a' way to beat's like havok just decides that my momentum isn't good enough and ignores my vector of motion going into one portal....and just cuts the force in half coming out....I have no idea what's wrong...

other than that I enjoyed the simplicity, i'd like to see more one room puzzles like this, I like the change from wandering aimlessly around a lab.

Really enjoyed the gameplay here.

That aside, the map could be trimmed down in size some, which would make it easy to decorate to make it less "plain"

Other than that I don't really like flinging with the cube in hand.

But it made me think, so that's swell