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[WIP] Turret Bowling

Not really a full-fledged map, more a fun activity involving companion spheres and turrets ;)

Uses a ton of logic -- it actually recognizes two balls per frame so you can throw a spare, knows which pins were knocked over, etc.

It's playable as-is, but I'd like it to be able to track a score (tracking is partially implemented, but I don't know how to show the player a 'scorecard' of sorts without making a bunch of multiskinned custom textures. My wife joked about making it say humiliating things when you hit the gutter as well, but that will have to wait.

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Known issues:
* There's nothing to stop the player from simply walking up and tossing turrets. (I know how to fix that, but chose to leave it that way)
* On rare occasions the ball can actually get stuck. (The alleyway is sloped downward, but since it's not really a sphere but instead a very-many-sided physics object it can occasionally get 'stuck' on one face).
* There's no score ;)
* Ball return takes too long (but I didn't want to use a box dropper for some reason, despite the fact that I released box dropper prefabs.)

Map source and BSP file are both included. There is no bonus map script, so you'll have to place things in the right place and do 'map bowling'

Download here:

Bah I threw a split :P

Nice :)

Upload to the database and provide pics :D

youme wrote:
Upload to the database and provide pics :D


Cool concept. Though I'd think it would be better if you had the portal gun, and the celing directly above where the player bowls from is portalable. So you can put the ball into an infinate loop from floor to ceiling, then change the exit point onto the wall behind you, and launch the ball at the turrets.

Bowling with portals. Do you think it?

I really like this concept, can't wait to try it out. I think there's some cool possibilities for "mini-games" with Portal, especially using the spheres. I'm thinking about coming up with a basketball version myself but haven't ironed out the details yet. Ideas like these will be even cooler to implement once we can make multi-player mods for Portal.

Lorithad wrote:
Cool concept. Though I'd think it would be better if you had the portal gun, and the celing directly above where the player bowls from is portalable.

I thought about implementing something like that, just didn't quite get around to it.

Though considering this was a diversionary map (I needed a break after releasing CP4P and I'm working on an actual real 'first' portal map besides)... this was more or less a "Hmm, I wonder if you could..." map.

I'm thinking of also making a map that's themed around not being finished --- i.e. parts of the level would have developer textures, switches that do nothing, etc. And maybe some task a player would complete would 'finish' a section of the map (switch from dev textures to real ones and then the switch magically starts working).


Who knows? :)

This was cool, can't wait for the finished version.