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You Know You've Been Doing Too Much Hammer When...

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...You feel the need to yell at an interior designer for poorly aligned floor tiles.

Any other examples?

Try out Twin Pillars, a Portal 2 map by BOB74j.

You start thinking about what would be a func_detail and what would stay as world geometry in a real life scenario. True story.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

You start making a Portal version of the Mr. Dark Battle from Rayman.

Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]

You start holding shift and click dragging to copy things in other programs. Such as notepad.

I think in terms of boolean variables. Generally, it makes things easier.

When you look at some complex structure in real world, you start thinking about how many brushes it would consist of. I know you do, been there myself :thumbup:

Test Chamber 74:
(percentage calculation sphere self-test failed!)
108.1% done, -8.1% remaining...
Released here!

All maps for Portal (1/2) worth playing are mirrored here.

...When you start thinking how real life actions can be done with entites.

More information Here

"Pretty is better than ugly, but if it doesn't work, ugly is better than pretty"

When you start instinctively hitting Ctrl+S after everything you do on a computer, even copying/transferring files in Explorer. Another true story.

Now with 100% more inline comments!

That reminds me of the time I was on a roll with one of the maps I made then lost everything when Hammer crashed. You know you've done too much mapping if you forget to save.

Crazy is as crazy does.
My Work
Revenge of the Angry Turrets
Capture the Cube [Co-op]
Capture the Cube 2 [Co-op]
TPWEGTH Sample Map
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center
Aperture Aquatic Testing Center 2
Aperture Time Testing Center
ML's Halloween Trick - 1000 downloads!
ML's Halloween Treat
ML's Combination - 1000 downloads!
ML's Jailbreak Labyrinth
ML's Tricky Teamwork [Co-op]
"Capture the Cube 3"
Workshop Maps Link:[/spoiler]
WinstonSmith wrote:
When you start instinctively hitting Ctrl+S after everything you do on a computer, even copying/transferring files in Explorer. Another true story.

good to know im not the only one whos done that...

I think in terms of boolean variables. Generally, it makes things easier.

I've seen many misaligned floor and ceiling tiles in reality, for which I would have been yelled at if I had made those in Hammer.

The Aperture Alpha
A map pack coming soon. - click for more information
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