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You Know You've Been Doing Too Much Hammer When...

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When your alarm goes off and instead of clicking "snooze" you think "ent_fire alarm Volume 0"

And nice job wstrika.

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So I guess I was right. Go figure.

wrathofmobius wrote:
When your alarm goes off and instead of clicking "snooze" you think "ent_fire alarm Volume 0"

And nice job wstrika.

Why not just "volume 0"? Then nothing will make you up.

Big Mood
portal2tenacious wrote:
Why jot just "volume 0"?

Because that would turn you into a trigger :lol:

ImageImageImageImageImageuseful tools and stuff here on TWP :thumbup:

... you sit in school writing a test and you think:
"Okay, now let's parent the pen to my hand!"

... you want to go through a door and think:
"OnStartTouch | DoorLivingRoom | open --- On StartTouch | DoorLivingRoom | close | After a Delay of 3 seconds"

I've gotten so used to having E bound to ent_fire !picker while testing that I tried to long-distance grab something IRL.

Falsi sumus crusto!

The other day I hit F9 to "compile" my term paper. I'm more used to hitting that than Ctrl-P. :P

Falsi sumus crusto!

You know you've been doing too much Hammer when you think other people are npcs, and the world is made up of brushes with misaligned textures.

Signatures are overrated.

Old thread. But still...

You know you've been doing too much hammer when you entertain yourself for an hour switching three lamps on and off, watching the nine lightmaps change. :P

Falsi sumus crusto!

When your favorite department store is the one with the most aligned floor tiles. (Kohl's)

Big Mood
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