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You Know You've Been Doing Too Much Hammer When...

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When you try to copy something without holding shift.

When you start rushing and making something ugly. :lol:

...when you repeatedly tap your fingers on your desk the way you would press CTRL+S on a keyboard when you are writing a paper in fear of the paper crashing and you loosing all of your work.

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and have everyone wonder how you did it.
Musical website Moddb

I just hope most of these things are just jokes and not real things.

yishbarr wrote:
I just hope most of these things are just jokes and not real things.

I have a bad message for you :lol:

Then some of you are in trouble, unfortunately. It's funny at first but you shouldn't get used to it, or at least try to notice it, because this is serious stuff.

When it annoys you that the door makes that squeaky noise exactly the same as the Portal 1 panels.
When you notice blurry glass covering floresent ceiling lights.

yishbarr wrote:
Then some of you are in trouble, unfortunately. It's funny at first but you shouldn't get used to it, or at least try to notice it, because this is serious stuff.

How are these things "serious" issues? It isn't threatening in any way, and I don't think these things qualify as serious mental impediments.

They're not mental problems, but it's still important in a way that probably not everybody will understand.

You know you've been doing too much Hammer when someone says "the problem is that there's a leak" and I almost tell them to load the pointfile.

Happened yesterday. :notwant:

It's because they're a bit lasy to look for posts that have been discussed already.

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