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You Know You've Been Doing Too Much Hammer When...

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You've been trying to drag to create rooms in Sketchup on a 2D thing but failing.

Image Portal Dreams Mod... It's going to be refreshing, Like lemonade... Mmmm don't make me thirsty,

You know that Sketchup does have a plan view.

I have trouble at it :

Image Portal Dreams Mod... It's going to be refreshing, Like lemonade... Mmmm don't make me thirsty,
first Chilius03 wrote:
I have trouble at it :

Chilius03 then wrote:
I have trouble at it :

when you press the save button additional times without making any changes. :lol:

Im blue, a Clean Christian Furry with Autism.

When I almost pressed Shift + S in Portal 2.

What does Shift-S do? I don't know that one.

Falsi sumus crusto!

Arrow shortcut. Instead of selecting it from the sidebar.

When you press CTRL + C when you press your computer/Laptop's button.

Image Portal Dreams Mod... It's going to be refreshing, Like lemonade... Mmmm don't make me thirsty,

When you look at two lamps and think "Wow, how do they get two env_projectedtextures- oh wait"

Not a true story, just to clarify.

When life gives you lemons, make apple juice and have everyone wonder how you did it.
Musical website Moddb

When you think that visible framework is pretty.

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